The first Iranian gazelle was born in 1402.
The first Iranian yellow gazelle was born in 1402 at the site of yellow gazelle breeding and conservation in Arsanjan County. Hasan Ebrahimi, the head of the Environmental Protection Department of Arsanjan County, announced this news on Sunday, stating that all necessary measures have been taken to provide a safe and secure environment for the Iranian yellow gazelle at the Arsanjan site.
Ebrahimi mentioned that the revival and reproduction site of the Iranian yellow gazelle in Arsanjan is currently a suitable habitat for this category of animals and wildlife. He added that the Iranian yellow gazelle has been declared as an endangered species from a conservation perspective by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and in recent years, with the creation of safe conditions in the ecological environment for the preservation of the yellow gazelle, the population of this rare species has been increasing.
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