Warning of drug shortage in the coming months
Hemayon Samehi, a member of the Health Commission of the Parliament, has warned about the shortage of drugs in the coming months and stated that the necessary budget for procuring drugs and medical equipment is 150 trillion tomans, but the budgets allocated by the government for drugs are not more than half of this amount.
This member of the Parliament, on Monday, the fourth of Ordibehesht, in an interview with ILNA news agency criticized the decisions made by the government and the Planning and Budget Organization in formulating the budget, and added that our prediction is that in the coming months, not only will there be problems with drugs, but also problems with medical equipment will greatly increase.
This contradicts the claim of the Minister of Health, who recently stated that we will not have any concerns in this area this year.
Behram Einollahi, the Minister of Health, had claimed on April 18 that fortunately, with the agreement we had with the Planning and Budget Organization, 1.5 billion dollars of preferential currency for the medical equipment and expensive drugs sector was approved, and we will not have any concerns in this area this year.
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