The Central Bank denies the existence of a billion-dollar account belonging to Abbas Ali Solimani
Following the circulation of news on social media, the Central Bank of Mazandaran province denied on Friday the existence of a 420 billion Tomans (approximately $10 million) in the bank account of Abbas Ali Solimani, a member of the Assembly of Experts, who was killed in Babolsar on Thursday, the 6th of Ordibehesht.
On Friday, the Tasnim News Agency announced that the director of branch affairs at the Central Bank of Mazandaran province had confirmed that there was only a partial amount in Solimani’s account and stated that he had visited the bank to transfer an amount of four million and two hundred thousand Tomans ($1,000) to another bank.
Abbas Ali Solimani, a member of the Assembly of Experts and representative of the fourth and fifth terms of the parliament, was killed on Thursday morning by an individual who was introduced as a bank guard in one of the banks in Babolsar.
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