Mawlana Abdul Hamid Ismail Zahi says that no government or governing system can be maintained by the force of arms.
Mawlana Abdul Hamid Ismail Zahi, the Sunni Friday prayer leader of Zahedan, has called on officials to listen to the demands of the people in today’s Friday prayer sermons and stated that no government or governing system can be maintained by the force of arms.
In another part of his sermon today, the Sunni Friday prayer leader of Zahedan, referring to the bloody Friday in Zahedan, said that the judiciary has assured us that they will impartially investigate this issue, but now we hear them saying that we cannot seek retribution because it is unclear who shot whom at that time, and we are amazed by these statements from judges.
Mawlana Abdul Hamid further stated on this matter that it is astonishing how you quickly identify the killer of an officer and carry out retribution, but when the killer is from the authorities, they cannot be found.
Mr. Ismail Zahi emphasized once again that the people of this province not only demand punishment for the perpetrators of this crime but also want those who ordered these shootings to be punished as well.
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