Cosmic attacks on World War III movies and fossilized films are absurd and shameless propaganda.
Cosmic stated today that the situation has reached a point where not only some filmmakers are seeking to produce the same films as the time of tyranny, but they have gone further and are pursuing the goals of Western theft and Hollywood-style decadence in Iranian cinema.
This is the same cultural threat and Western influence in our Islamic society that the enemies of the Islamic Revolution have designed for us.
The production of obscene films such as the fossil of a dual-purpose song of World War III is an example of such works that, through humorous and comic subjects, using well-known faces of cinema and television that have been accepted by the people as artistic figures, intend to have a function other than spreading decadence in Islamic society.
Producing and making happy and comedic films for our society is necessary and essential, but not to the extent that we want to cover the demands of the enemy with a culture of vulgarity and cultural decadence.
The Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, which is responsible for the main culture and art of the country, should act revolutionary and decisively.
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