Ali Behjat, a cleric from Qom, has criticized the way enjoining good and forbidding evil is implemented in Iran and stated that our enjoining good is limited to a few visible hairs, but when it comes to the daily theft that empties our pockets, which is a clear injustice, we don’t have any enjoining good.
Ali Behjat, the son of Mohammad Taghi Behjat, a former Shia religious authority, has said that we have enforced enjoining good and forbidding evil according to our own desires. He mentioned that when they take away people’s money and a person steals 12 trillion, this corruption has no prohibition in Islam.
Mr. Behjat has criticized the devaluation of the national currency and said that from the beginning of the revolution until now, our currency has lost value several times compared to global currencies. He questioned who has been concerned about this issue and the rights of the people. They don’t care about it, otherwise our national currency would have value in the world.
Mr. Behjat has criticized the devaluation of the national currency and said that from the beginning of the revolution until now, our currency has lost value several times compared to global currencies. He questioned who has been concerned about this issue and the rights of the people. They don’t care about it, otherwise our national currency would have value in the world.
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