Javad Owji, the Minister of Oil in Iran, wants people to be reassured that there will be no increase in gasoline prices.
Javad Owji, the Minister of Oil in Iran, has stated that gasoline prices in the country will not increase.
Mr. Owji, during a government meeting, said that he has repeatedly denied the increase in gasoline prices in interviews, and the refining and distribution company has also repeatedly denied it. People can be at ease knowing that there will be no increase in gasoline prices, and the government does not have such a plan.
The Minister of Oil in Iran has asked citizens not to pay attention to rumors.
Iranian media report on the increase in gasoline consumption during the peak of summer, the mismanagement of gasoline reserves in the country, and the formation of long queues at gas stations.
Newspapers in Tehran attribute the formation of long queues at gas stations to the heat of rumors about gasoline price hikes and the public’s disregard for government officials’ statements.
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