The Secretary-General of the United Front Party, Mahsa Amini, claimed to be a supporter of the Komala Party.
Asadollah Badamchian, the Secretary-General of the United Front Party, says that the system treated Ms. Mahsa Amini with respect.
Ms. Gina is a supporter of the Komala Party, and there is a photo of her dancing with the Komala Party. Then she came to the park in Tehran wearing inappropriate clothes, where she was told that the park is a public place. She started swearing and arguing, saying she would call the Guidance Patrol. But what would the Guidance Patrol do? Would they argue or fight with her? They brought her to the Guidance Patrol headquarters to guide her.
Why do they argue with the Guidance Patrol? Why don’t they confront the ladies who come out inappropriately dressed with seventy layers of makeup? She is acting against the law and against the religion of Islam.
Instead of saying that you made a mistake, you did something wrong, they say why did the Guidance Patrol do this? They should criticize the Guidance Patrol, but then they say if the Guidance Patrol did this, why did they support Ms. Mahsa who also did something very wrong?
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