Mohammad Darvish, an environmental activist, warns about the entry of hospital wastewater into agricultural lands.
Mohammad Darvish, an environmental activist, has warned about the entry of hospital wastewater into agricultural lands in Mashhad, stating that this wastewater is more dangerously contaminated than urban sewage.
According to the Shargh newspaper, Mr. Darvish added that this practice has been going on for twenty years.
According to him, the Chermashir wastewater is being extracted by drilling a concrete pipe and pumping it with a motor pump, and it is being sold. Even the managers of the treatment plant have said that we receive so little from it that we have to deal with sludge.
Shargh newspaper wrote that negligence in environmental risks of using wastewater will lead to health crises for citizens. Mashhad is one of the cities where the use of raw wastewater and even its theft has caused significant controversies recently. Although it has been stopped after environmental activists protested against it, repeating this experience is possible.