The head of the government’s information council stated that the remarks that the flood-affected people have been abandoned do not apply to the government.
While numerous reports indicate that relief efforts have not reached many villages affected by the floods in Sistan and Baluchestan, the head of the government’s information council said that relief operations are ongoing. He added that the notion that the flood-affected people have been abandoned does not reflect the reality of the government’s efforts.
According to Mehr News Agency, Sepehr Khalaji, the head of the government’s information council, mentioned during a government meeting on Thursday, February 5, that despite the Ministry of Interior being preoccupied with election matters, the coordination of all agencies, including the Ministry of Roads and Energy, is being pursued.
These statements come as more than eight days have passed since the major flood in southern Sistan and Baluchestan. Domestic media outlets have criticized the relief efforts in these areas as insufficient, with the Iran Labor News Agency (ILNA) reporting on Thursday that relief operations in the flood-affected areas are sporadic and uncoordinated.