The Secretary of the Supreme Council of Cyberspace said we will provide the filtered platforms to the people.
The Secretary of the Supreme Council of Cyberspace said that the filtered platforms will soon be made available to the people using technical tools.
He stated that we used to say that foreign platforms must commit, but now, considering the experiences of the past year and the advancements we’ve made in the field, two alternatives have been found.
He added that the platforms are either accessible, have sanctioned us, or are blocked. For those that have sanctioned us, it was decided that a license for a sanction-breaking tool would be given. Regarding the blocked ones, if someone can negotiate on their behalf or through an intermediary to comply with our laws and regulations, there will be no problem.
He added that the work has started, and technical tools that can operate within the framework of the country’s laws are being tested. I myself have tested one or two prototypes, and they have worked well, meaning they have managed to make foreign platforms accessible through domestic platforms while complying with laws and regulations.
The Secretary of the Supreme Council of Cyberspace means providing the shell of filtered applications, which has previously been implemented in Iran, like Telegram Talaei. The important point is that this action poses a significant threat to the security of the people. Moreover, it allows for the monitoring of users’ messages by specific entities through the provision of the shell.