The representative of the parliament strongly reminded the Minister of Interior about the reason for the inappropriate behaviors towards women under the pretext of hijab.
Jalal Mahmoudzadeh, the representative of Mahabad, warned the Minister of Interior.
He addressed the Minister of Interior stating that recently we have witnessed inappropriate and illegal behaviors of individuals under the guise of morality police or Basij in the form of the ‘Noor Plan’ with women and female students nationwide, leading to conflicts between morality police officers and women on the streets.
Unfortunately, these behaviors are claimed to be in accordance with the law, while the Hijab and Chastity Law, due to its legal and religious flaws, has been repeatedly criticized by the Guardian Council and has not yet been finalized. Therefore, the Minister’s question is, based on which law do the officers allow themselves to treat women in this manner?
Your Excellency, as the person responsible for the country’s security, you should enforce the laws, not allow women to be harassed and threatened by morality police officers in violation of Article 638 of the Islamic Penal Code.
How long do you intend to continue this incorrect approach towards dealing with the issue of hijab?