Sardar Radan’s enemy is seeking to take the veil off women.
The country’s chief of police stated that security is considered the basis of evaluating the efficiency of any system. He said that today the enemy is seeking a street campaign for this reason and through this, they want to dominate minds and portray society as insecure.
He added that enemies are trying to portray the issue of chastity and hijab as a security and law enforcement matter and make society insecure. We have repeatedly stated that this issue is entirely social and cultural, but when it overflows, law enforcement action must be taken to prevent further harm.
He added that in the matter of chastity and hijab, everyone sees that the enemy has come to the back doors of our homes and is seeking to take the veil off women, who are now considered the flag of our country. Here, we must be vigilant and not allow the enemy to do so.
He continued, today there are 40 specific missions and duties defined in the law, each of which requires 10 to 15 prerequisites to be in place in order to properly carry out those 40 missions, and one of them is dealing with immodesty.