The claim by the Parliament Research Center is that voter turnout in the elections will be above 53 percent.
The result of a survey by the Nation’s Opinion Poll Institute of the Parliament Research Center on gauging public participation in the fourteenth presidential election shows that turnout in this election will be above 53 percent.
In response to the question, ‘In your opinion, what action should the next president prioritize?’, 33.8 percent of respondents indicated justice-seeking and fighting corruption, 26.1 percent lifting foreign sanctions, 26 percent improving management and increasing the efficiency of officials, and 4.4 percent political and social freedoms as the main priorities for the next president’s actions.
Respondents were asked, ‘In the upcoming presidential election next month, some people will participate and some will not. What about you?’ 53.4 percent stated they will definitely participate, while 17.7 percent said they will not participate at all. Additionally, 28.9 percent were undecided and have not yet made a decision. Considering this, the nationwide participation rate is predicted to be 53.4 percent by the end of the second week of June, with a margin of error of 3 percent.