Abbas Abdi says Jalili’s advisors are not corrupt and are angry.
Abbas Abdi, a failed candidate’s advisor, believes that 17 million voters have imposed their foolishness expenses on other parts of society, maybe he is right because these voters have taken government privileges from them and will fall into disgrace soon.
The failed candidate’s advisor insults the people, asking why they didn’t vote for us and believes that those who voted for doctors are foolish, childish, and devoid of reason, and 17 million voters have imposed their foolishness expenses on other parts of society.
The reality is that in a word, chronic addiction to political rent is that those who have used rent in politics have become more miserable, weaker, and more dependent. 60% of the people did not vote, but this rent-seeking group protests why you did not design the scene in a way that we would win among this 40%. How insignificant and despicable should a political force be that it cannot even compete in this size? Addiction is destructive. An addicted person to drugs becomes happy and calm using these substances, but the effects of addiction are temporary. After the effects of the substances fade away, the pain and hardship become worse than before. That’s why the addict is forced to increase the dose of substance use to avoid suffering. This action leads to more weakness, increased incapacity in pain tolerance, and ultimately, a greater dependency on drugs.
Chronic addiction to political rent is our issue among hardliners, and we must think of solutions for it. Ignoring it will not solve it.