More than a thousand people were detained by the police in anti-government protests in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh police have arrested over a thousand people in anti-government protests last week, including several senior leaders of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party and Jamaat-e-Islami.
What began as student protests against quotas in government jobs for specific groups turned into some of the most violent unrest during the tenure of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina last week.
Bangladesh’s Supreme Court on Monday, July 31, canceled more quotas for special groups, including families of freedom fighters in the 1971 independence war with Pakistan.
Following this ruling, student groups leading the protests suspended their demonstrations for 48 hours on Tuesday, stating they did not want reforms at the cost of so much bloodshed, as at least 150 people have been killed in these unrests.
Restrictions on movement have been in place for the fourth consecutive day in Bangladesh, and the nationwide internet shutdown severely limits the flow of information and disrupts the daily lives of many.