Iran’s Ministry of Health has HMPV test kits available in the country
Kermanpour, the head of the Public Relations and Information Center of the Ministry of Health, mentioned that this virus is not new and said it might mutate like the coronavirus and create different versions. It is possible that this virus is in Iran, but it has not been detected in the tests conducted so far.
Let’s remember, at the start of the coronavirus outbreak, there were no test kits to identify it, but for HMPV, we do have kits and it is monitored daily.
Considering the necessary preparations, the possibility of this virus becoming an epidemic is low, but it is reasonable to be prepared so as not to be caught off guard, and all health networks in the country are fully prepared.
Kermanpour mentioned regular hand washing, using masks in crowded places, ventilating congested areas, and resting when symptoms appear as ways to prevent this disease, and said that like most viral diseases, there is no definitive treatment. Let’s not forget that the common cold, despite being present for centuries, still has no cure.