Member of the Planning and Budget Commission: The 400,000 Toman subsidy has increased the purchasing power of the people
Seyed Mohammadreza Mirtajaldini said today we are witnessing that the lower decile of society receives a monthly subsidy of 400,000 Tomans per person, which has increased the purchasing power of the weaker segments of society and has reduced the Gini coefficient.
He added that previously, subsidies were allocated to goods in a hidden manner, benefiting the wealthier segments of society the most. However, now, with the prices being realistic, subsidies for goods are being purposefully paid to the weaker segments of society.
The representative of the people of Tabriz in the Islamic Consultative Assembly emphasized that although the cash subsidy being paid does not compensate for the existing inflation, it covers a significant portion of it and adjusts the purchasing power of the weaker segments of society.