A conservative newspaper’s complaint about the voter turnout situation in the catastrophic Friday election was not unexpected.
The Resalat newspaper wrote that the second round of elections is always less vibrant and weaker than the first round. Now, in a situation where we had a 25% turnout in the first round, a catastrophe in participation like Friday’s was neither unexpected nor unforeseen.
When we wrote that the people, meaning all the people, are the dependents of the government, and some were undermining us and our perspective, they should be accountable for this disaster. Now you must prove that all of you are, optimistically, less than one-tenth and, realistically, one-twentieth.
Let’s also review and accept that the metrics of the Arbaeen and Ghadir processions and the Quran relate to the remaining faith of the people in Islam, not to us.
When we said that unifying the government means repelling and burying a considerable part of society, we foresaw this. When we said you are not purifying the front but rather emptying it, no one paid attention.