Coherent Cabinet
The Coherent Cabinet this time put aside its rhetoric sooner than before and said that it cannot read from a script and wants to honestly express what is in its heart. I cannot say something I do not believe in. I cannot read these writings. I must speak what is in my heart and what I believe in.
Masoud Pezeshkian has become the Vice President, but he still maintains his honesty and is seeking the national unity that he advocated for during the debates.
He began his final defense in front of the parliamentarians, who the night before had members of the Revolution fraction in the parliament voting. Rumors suggest that 4 ministers, Abdolnasser Hemmati, Mohammadreza Zafarqandi, Ahmad Meidari, and Reza Salehi Amiri, did not receive votes. It was a crucial and tense moment for the current government team, and Pezeshkian had to persuade the parliamentarians with his final defense to vote on all proposed options.
As long as he was speaking from the writings given to him, he seemed tormented, but he put aside the writings, spoke his heart to the representatives, and extended a helping hand towards them.
Most representatives also shook his hand to thwart the conservatives’ plans in the parliament.
Vote so we can form the government.
Masoud Pezeshkian, the Vice President, attended the public session of the parliament yesterday after reviewing the proposed cabinet. In his final defense of the 14th government’s proposed ministers, he thanked the presiding board and the parliament members for their criticism or approval of the ministers and acknowledged the hard work they put in during this period.
What we need today and in this period is internal consensus, unity, and coherence.
Certainly, unity and coherence do not mean that we should abandon our own values and beliefs.
Regarding the outlook of general policies and the law program, we need to reach a common language and perspective, and we cannot impose our own preferences there.
He added that with the ministers I introduced, we made a pact to be united in the outlook and policies, and we will strive to implement it. We hope that you also share this pact with us and evaluate us based on this framework.
I return to my belief that the pact we made was to come together with unity. This commitment shows my dedication to that pact.
The proposed ministers represent a range of preferences and factions.
But fundamentally, we are united in the outlook of general policies and the law program, and we are committed to implementing it.
We promise and we will stand by our promise. We pledged to engage with you.
We will definitely work with you and strive to implement the law with the consultation of your experts and specialists.
The President, by emphasizing that when a contract is signed, it is mutual, stressed that we stood to help so that we can continue the work on these principles. Let us allow different tastes to work within this framework.
If we are to make a contract and you consider the past, we must argue together. Let’s come together to make a brotherhood contract. Our unity and coherence are higher than prayer and fasting. We pray for unity and prayer is established. We all need to make a covenant together and hold on to the divine rope.
Rest assured, we all have flaws and shortcomings. If criticism is to be made, none of us fall short.
Imam Ali (AS) says in Nahj al-Balagha: In the presence of a true pious person, the cultivation and outcome of a community does not lead to destruction.
The farm of society does not remain without water in the presence of a pious person.
Society has problems, poverty, theft, discrimination, and injustice exist. Go stand up in your homes and resolve your differences. If any of us have skill, let’s address our own faults before pointing out others’ faults. Resolving conflicts is not about condemning the other party. We cannot say that everything about the other party is wrong. This is not how unity is achieved.
He added, ‘I must criticize myself why problems arose in my presence at the university and hospital. We are the problem.’
If we join hands, we can restore power and dignity to the country.
In the fronts, there was no one’s rank, title, or our disputes. There was competition for fighting, becoming a martyr, sacrifice, and altruism.
If we want to solve the problem, we should compete in resolving the economic crisis, not destroy each other and mock.
Our way of salvation is unity, coherence, harmony, and solidarity.
The president, referring to your opinion, stated that we respect your opinion, but unity and harmony should be formed based on our opinion.
Tomorrow in managements and executions, as a responsible person, I can ignore others’ opinions because it is my prerogative and I can make decisions.
But I say that I don’t make decisions alone and will consult with you and consider your opinion in my decisions.
I make decisions based on the right, competence, and justice. If we are together, we can solve the problem.
If it is necessary, you do your job, and we will do ours. I believe we can get out of crises together.
The doctors stated that we did not choose Mr. Iraqchi, Nasirzadeh, Kazemi, Khatibi, Momeni, Simaee, and Saraf without coordination.
It is impossible for us to introduce someone to you with whom we want to create confrontation, as we have coordinated with committees and individuals both below and above.
I have come with unity and coherence with all my being. You have seen the background and knowledge of Mr. Paknejad Hashemi Atabak and Ms. Farzaneh Sadegh Malavajerd.
They had both knowledge and experience. As far as possible, we proceeded based on expertise. They were ideal in my mind, but when there was no understanding, I would set them aside.
For me, ideal understanding is more important. I came short, and I will continue to be short for unity. I did not come short for the introduced individual to be the best, but we had the most understanding with them.
We reached agreements with security organizations, Sepah, intelligence organizations, and organizations we had to negotiate with. We presented this list to the parliament. The background of Mr. Donyamali Noorighazaljeh and Aliabadi is also clear.
We have chosen two individuals from the parliament, good and bad. I am also from the parliament and have been with you for 4 terms. I believe we should reach an understanding with you.
I have also come here with unity and solidarity with you in both the bachelor’s and associate’s degrees. There is no doubt about the expertise of Mr. Zafar Ghendi, Midri Hemmati, and Salehi Amiri.
Trust me, it’s not like someone has a specific direction of authority and I stand by them. I have always defended the authority.
I am not backing down. Who said they are against the authority? Why do we want to forcefully remove someone who is with us? All the ministers of health, both right and left, have approved Mr. Zafarqandi in this field. I have a say in this area too.
He mentioned that you know they rejected me for candidacy and did not approve my eligibility. He said, ‘This is it when the eyes are closed,’ even though I wholeheartedly believe in the system and leadership, I am here to solve people’s problems. I don’t stand against the people.
I agree with you to solve the people’s problems. I’m not saying this because of the current situation. I can’t say something I don’t believe in.
I can’t read these writings. I have to say what’s in my heart and what I believe in.
The doctors’ words touched the hearts of the representatives and praised him. After that, the president continued. Mr. Midari knows the economics of this story. He is a leading figure in social security scientifically and professionally.
We want to reach the deprived and solve their problems. Help us.
As an Iranian, I cannot accept that the other side grows while Iranians look at it with longing. We have nothing less than the other side; we must refrain from pointless arguments, unite, and have a shared vision.
He emphasized that if we make mistakes on either side, let’s say it fraternally, and don’t think we want to betray.
I swear we want to serve the people. I earnestly request brothers and sisters not to disrupt this alliance and unity in our team.
I’m not saying I have no faults; can anyone be faultless? Anyway, we should coordinate ourselves in this system to have a common language.
Help us be together, and we promise to be at your service and the people’s service. We will put everything we have in line with sincerity as long as we are alive.
Doctors added that all these dear ones are experts and experienced, none of them are newcomers to the field.
Our problem lies in a common language, and this common language is our vision and the law of the program.
Mr. Hemmati and Mr. Salehi Amiri have experience in insurance, banking, and university.
Mr. Donyamali, who is no longer with us, and he said he doesn’t want to say it, I have coordinated all this information at the top, meaning we have reached an understanding together.
I’m not saying we’re faultless, these are not unknown people.
We may be somewhat weak, but if we have coherence and unity and bring in the elites, there is no problem we can’t solve. The whole world supported Iraq in the war against Iran.
Everyone knows we had nothing, but we had a belief and conviction, and we emerged victorious. The war we are facing today is worse than the Iraq war and we must join hands.
Let’s leave the past behind, accept the past. I want to be your brother, I accept that you are my sisters and brothers, and with all our hearts, let’s serve the people together.
Help maintain this unity and coherence with a vote of confidence, so that despite all the flaws, it does not fall apart.
We are with you and we do not feel any pride or arrogance. We see serving the people as our duty. The Minister of Guidance did not come, the leadership ordered him to come.
Why do you force me to say these things? I spoke with them, but they said no. I went to serve the leadership and said this list is here.
I said he didn’t come, I picked up the phone right there. He said get up, come, I want to say we have coordinated, we came here, accept this from us.
He insisted that they never told me to bring Ms. Sadegh Malvajerd. Why are you forcing me to say things I shouldn’t.
We all agreed with coordination and understanding that we did not include anyone who had a slight doubt in him in the list. Mr. Atabak prepared a list and brought it.
We saw that he has been involved in the Foundation of the Oppressed and in the economy. People should be judged by their actions. His accomplishments in the industry are not hidden from anyone.
For 40 years, we have been trying to establish justice and fairness, but we argue with each other. It is this ego that does not allow it.
It is me who does not allow to be with you, and you do not allow to be with me. Let’s join hands for Iran and for the people.
Mr. Iraqchi was the first one who accepted the leadership. Before we mention the names of the ministers, they accepted his leadership and said it’s good.
Do not let me go into details, cast your votes, let’s form the government.