Democratic Transparency in the American Economy and a Lesson for Iranian Politics

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Democratic Transparency in the American Economy and a Lesson for Iranian Politics

One of the most significant aspects of Donald Trump’s politics since the day he set foot in the White House was his fear of government institutions and federal officials who, without regard to his pressures and with the protective shield of their positions as holders of offices independent of his desires, continued their work.

Federal government officials and various positions, even and especially if appointed by the president, are immune to his influence and impact, and this is true for many positions in regulatory institutions.

The president is unable to interfere with positions like the chairmanship and membership of the Federal Reserve and trade and economic regulatory bodies, and the inspection bodies of various departments and ministries monitor his interference in different institutions.

One of the main ideas of the famous 2025 project, which is the plan of Trump’s extremist supporters for a structural coup in the federal government, is to overturn the ruling government by eliminating federal positions immune to presidential dominance, which is contrary to the spirit of the American Constitution and democracy. The annual employment statistics of America have been reviewed, and these statistics have now been published.

In these statistics, it has been announced that 818,000 fewer jobs have been occupied than previously announced in the past year after reviewing the pre-announced monthly statistics.

This amount does not significantly affect the measurement of unemployment, but it is not unlikely that Trump’s campaign will use these statistics to campaign against the Democrats and Harris.

The spirit of American democracy and the country’s executive process do not allow Biden and Harris to even conceive of preventing the publication of such statistics. The current state of Iranian politics and the transition of government in Iran is an opportunity for the new government to take small steps towards democratic transparency in presenting the country’s realities, relying on partial public support.

With the situation prevailing over Iran’s economy, culture, and politics, the medical field must have the courage to create such a structure, and every brick laid in building such a foundation is an achievement for the future.

Statistics and data are the mirror of the country’s realities.

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Master's in Western Philosophy from Iran Master's in International Political Economy with a specialization in Sanction Design from the UK PhD candidate in Political Management and Elections
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