E-Namad is not a suitable indicator of trust
Over more than a decade of its existence, E-Namad was always meant to be an electronic trust emblem for websites, a mandatory symbol for websites that need it to obtain a payment gateway. Various experiences, from Thamen Coin to Kourosh Company, show that this is not the case.
Diba Mousavi, a person who declares herself as a representative of the defrauded individuals, said that celebrity endorsements and the electronic trust emblem led to trust in Kourosh Company.
This is not the first time an online store has committed violations and been shut down despite having an electronic trust emblem. One such incident involves the Thamen Coin case, which caused significant losses to buyers despite having E-Namad.
Recently, Hamidreza Zolfaqari, the CEO of Pizito, also spoke about the non-mandatory nature of E-Namad, stating that this emblem was supposed to reduce the likelihood of violations and illegal activities, but in practice, it is redundant and does not offer any new service.