The Dollar’s Record-Breaking Continues
The record-breaking of the dollar continues.A day after the inauguration of a…
Inflation Sets Another Record
Inflation has hit a new record again.According to the statistics center, the…
Mohammad Darvish’s diversion of the Chamshir Dam is illegal
Mohammad Darvish accuses the construction of the Chamshir Dam of being illegal.In…
Russia buys cars from Saipa
Russia buys cars from SaipaThe head of the Trade Development Organization has…
Night markets of Shush and Molavi come together
The night markets of Shush and Molavi are gatheringIn a situation where…
Iranian Government Newspaper: Rouhani, Zarif, and Seyyed Hassan Khomeini Responsible for Increase in Exchange Rate
Iran's state newspaper accuses Rouhani, Zarif, and Seyyed Hassan Khomeini of being…
Loss of $7 million to CNG station owners
Loss of $7 million to CNG station ownersMohsen Johari, the head of…
Advertisement for selling a heart in Tehran
Advertisement for selling a heart in TehranOne of the readers of Khabar…
Speculation in Oil versus Real Estate
Conflict between Oil and HousingThe representative of Hamedan in the parliament has…
The session of the parliament to stabilize the currency market has been postponed for a week
The session of the parliament to stabilize the currency market has been…