Eshaq Jahangiri said the eleventh parliament brought nothing but shock to the economy.
The presence of the eleventh parliament did nothing but apply pressure on the currency, causing economic shock.
They would hold meetings about the stock market and invite ministers. After a few days, when the stock market rose, they were happy and claimed it was the result of their meetings. But when the market fell again, they quietly stopped their meetings.
Unfortunately, this parliament didn’t even understand that all these pressures and actions were happening during a time when the economic war was ongoing, and the government was truly alone.
During Ramadan, after prayers, I presented the issues to him, and he said our problem was that we were making decisions too late.
Some time later, I wrote him a letter about some of the parliament’s actions, saying their actions might disrupt the situation. He responded in less than two hours, saying these were important issues that needed attention. After this, the parliament passed the budget law.