Even the favored director raised his voice
According to Cinema Etemad, Masoud Dehnamaki, a cinema and television director, in the Bermuda program on Nasim Network, in response to Kamran Najafzadeh’s question about whether he is currently Majid Souzuki or Haji Gharibov, said, ‘Haji Gharibovs are my staunch opponents. Yes, I have issues with those who pretend to be religious. Their slogans do not match their actions, and when they are in power, they become decision-makers and decision-takers. Most of these people think sincerely in a way that is incorrect, and religion is not like that. Haji Gharibovs pretend to be religious.’
In response to the question of whether Masoud Dehnamaki is in the middle of a minefield or has passed through it, he explained, ‘As long as our life is not over, we are in the middle of the minefield.’