Fact-Checking Trump’s Claims in Debate with Steve Rattner

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Fact-checking Trump’s Claims in the Debate with Steve Rattner

A prominent American economist and social expert fact-checked Trump’s major claims in the September 10 debate.

One of Trump’s most significant claims was the rise in crime in America, which the debate moderators addressed. Steve Rattner used concrete statistics to show the inaccuracy of his claim. More importantly, Rattner proved that crimes committed by immigrants are negligible compared to those by American-born citizens.

Another major claim by Trump was the positive impact of his tariff increase policy. Rattner demonstrated how damaging the increase in import tariffs during Trump’s time was and how it raised prices. Biden, by not renewing many of the tariffs, has helped lower prices. According to expert estimates, American consumers would be severely harmed if Trump were re-elected and implemented the tariffs he promised, with the poor class being the most affected. He points out that even experts who support Trump despise these policies of his.


Another false claim by Trump was Europe’s reluctance to help Ukraine, asserting that the U.S. has spent much more in this area than the Europeans. Rattner easily proved that, in reality, the U.S. is far behind Europe in this regard.

Interestingly, he also prepared a special chart to show that the U.S. has, for the first time, become a net exporter of oil and gas.

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Master's in Western Philosophy from Iran Master's in International Political Economy with a specialization in Sanction Design from the UK PhD candidate in Political Management and Elections
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