Mohammad Reza Khabbaz, a reformist political activist and the governor of Semnan during Hassan Rouhani’s administration, criticized the behavior of the governor of Tehran towards a flood victim, saying these individuals have developed this way from the beginning.
For example, they were third lieutenants and used to command those lower in rank, who would easily accept the orders. Now that these individuals have become commanders, they look at the chief of staff, drivers, and the public as subordinates, with the same harsh and aggressive language, which is not suitable for governance in the Islamic Republic of Iran. It was a mistake by the officials to appoint military personnel as governors and ministers. He added that such behavior from someone who has grown up in a military environment for 30 years is natural for them, and perhaps they do not see it as wrong, but from the perspective of ordinary citizens, it is very inappropriate, especially when insults and obscene words are used.