Haddad Adel, head of the Academy of Language, says we must establish a Ministry of Population Growth
Gholam Ali Haddad Adel, the head of the Academy of Persian Language and Literature, stated that today many countries around the world are considering establishing a Ministry of Population Growth, and we must also put all our efforts into this path to avoid facing these crises in the future.
Haddad Adel continued, ‘I draw your attention to a piece of news I heard just yesterday on the television news, stating that South Korea, despite all its advancements in industry and economic growth, is now severely facing population growth challenges, and they have decided to establish a ministry for their population growth.’
He further added, ‘Any action towards rejuvenating the population, from legislation and holding conferences to educating the public and hundreds of other valuable and impactful actions, is important. I also confirm and hope that this conference, which the presidency intends to hold, will not be ceremonial but scientific, and that experts will sit down and discuss its various aspects so that their minds can become more capable.’ Haddad Adel spoke about the perspective that economic issues are the reason for not having children.