The insult from Hamshahri newspaper to students: they are celebrating for mixed-gender restrooms.
The media arm of Tehran Municipality wrote,
That they demand mixed-gender dining halls, and in the coming years, they will be forced into compulsory marriage. Yes, compulsory, because in the era of tyranny, political and social structures change, and the essence of family is lost. In such conditions, the elites decide whom the daughters of the common people will marry, and love leads to the slaughterhouse.
Essentially, the false discourse behind the claim of women’s freedom seeks nudity and the backwardness of the Pahlavi era.
Make no mistake, in a non-religious government where tyranny prevails, it will no longer be prohibited for men to enter women’s beauty salons.
All swimming pools will become mixed-gender, and there will be no women’s sessions. God help us, how terrifying.
Today, they celebrate mixed-gender restrooms in universities, and tomorrow they will cry for the violation of their privacy.