The head of the Iranian Law and Legal Research Institute says Ghazizadeh and Zakani are legally obliged to pay damages.
Mohammad Darvishzadeh, the head of the Iranian Law and Legal Research Institute, wrote in the Ettelaat newspaper.
Two candidates in the fourteenth presidential election announced their withdrawal in the final days allowed for campaigning after extensively using various national radio and television networks.
Considering that this behavior of withdrawing has been repeated by some of these candidates before, and also given that this behavior has been repeated in past terms by candidates from various political factions, the question arises whether the withdrawal of presidential candidates does not bring any responsibility upon them from a legal and jurisprudential perspective.
Candidates who used national radio and television and caused a loss of revenue for the broadcaster must, according to the three principles of waste, causation, and civil liability, compensate for the damages incurred. At most, the court may consider reductions in the amount of damages.