The International Atomic Energy Agency: Iran installed four new centrifuge cascades at Fordow
Reuters news agency reported on Friday, citing a confidential report from the International Atomic Energy Agency, that the Islamic Republic had informed the agency on June 10 and 11 that it would install 8 cascades, each containing 174 IR-6 centrifuges, at the Fordow facility within three to four weeks, and now it has installed 4 cascades. According to this report, the International Atomic Energy Agency, in its new and confidential report to the member countries of this institution, announced that following the report three months ago by the Director General, the agency now confirms that Iran has installed 4 out of the 8 IR-6 cascades in Unit 1 of Fordow and the atomic fuel enrichment plant.
Tehran’s new action comes after the Board of Governors passed a resolution proposed by the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, known as the Troika, regarding the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program with 20 votes in favor, 12 abstentions, and two votes against.
This resolution called on the Islamic Republic of Iran to improve cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency and to lift the ban on the entry of experienced agency inspectors.