Minister of Interior: We do not have any precise and official statistics on child laborers
The Minister of Interior stated that there are no official and precise statistics regarding child laborers. There are some estimates, but they are not accurate. A significant portion of street child laborers are foreigners, and after these children are collected, they pose challenges for the authorities.
Ahmad Vahidi, regarding the measures taken to organize child laborers and reduce begging, stated that the agencies responsible for organizing these two areas are clearly defined. The Welfare Organization is tasked with this action, but this task is broader than what the Welfare Organization can handle alone, so we have asked all municipalities to assist the Welfare Organization in achieving this goal.
He emphasized that to succeed in this area, we must utilize all capacities. He said municipalities should collect child laborers and beggars, and then the Welfare Organization should take responsibility for their care. Of course, in some cases, the law enforcement forces also assist in collecting them.