Israel is coordinating with the United States to respond to Iran’s missile attack within the next few days.
A new report says that Israel is coordinating with the United States for a strong response to Iran’s missile attack within the next few days.
Channel 12 of Israeli television reports that Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, is holding the last round of a series of high-level security meetings tonight as Israel is deciding how and when to respond to Iran’s ballistic missile attack.
This channel, quoting ministerial sources, says that Israel will exact a heavy price from the regime of the Ayatollahs.
This television report, referring to the possibility of an imminent phone call between Netanyahu and Joe Biden, the President of the United States, says that the expected strong response will be precisely coordinated with the Biden administration.
The report says that Israel’s response is expected to be carried out within the next few days.
Anonymous ministerial sources say that Israel cannot and will not allow Tuesday’s attack to pass without a significant Israeli response, and the report states that many options are being considered.