Jafar Panahi: The death sentence for Toomaj Salehi is medieval.
Jafar Panahi called the death sentence issued for Toomaj Salehi medieval and wrote that it is our duty not to break the heart of this son of Iran with our inaction.
He wrote that in a meeting with Toomaj after his release from prison, Toomaj said that during the first few months of his arrest, he was tortured for 12 hours a day and could hear the sound of his legs and fingers breaking.
Jafar Panahi, who himself is facing a conviction, shared some of Toomaj Salehi’s protest songs on his Instagram.
Mr. Panahi wrote that last November, after Toomaj Salehi had been out of prison for a few days and had come to Tehran from Isfahan for treatment, he met with him and Mohammad Rasoulof.
Jafar Panahi described how at that time, he and Mohammad Rasoulof couldn’t bear to hear Toomaj’s words and what had happened to him, but they were happy that Toomaj Salehi was sitting in front of them with his beautiful smile and was free.
A freedom that didn’t last long, as Toomaj Salehi was arrested again 12 days after being released on bail due to his public statements about his violent arrest and torture in prison.