Latest JCPOA News

Minister of Roads has a 2-week deadline to organize Ata Airlines

The Minister of Transportation has given a two-week deadline to Ata Airlines…


The Head of the Atomic Energy Organization is accused of making a pure lie about building an atomic bomb

The head of the Atomic Energy Organization is falsely accused of building…


Iranian ATAR airplanes landing on the ground

Iran's ATAR airplanes groundedMore than 80% of the airplanes in Iran's ATAR…


The process of negotiations is complex

The process of negotiations is complicated.The Director General of the International Atomic…

Saman Bahmani

The budget for next year increases challenges

The budget for the upcoming year exacerbates the challenges.According to Iran Gate,…


Former Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Downplays JCPOA Unrest

The former spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs downplayed the unrest…


Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson: Delays in JCPOA Are from the Western Side

The spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs says the delay…


Former Iranian Diplomat Wants to Prolong Negotiations

Former Iranian diplomat wants to prolong the negotiationsFereydoun Majlesi, a former diplomat,…


Head of Iran’s Strategic Council on Foreign Relations Ready to Return to JCPOA Commitments

The head of the Strategic Council on Foreign Relations: Iran is ready…
