Masoumeh Ebtekar says they tell us you were deceived when you made the revolution.
Masoumeh Ebtekar in a speech to political activists at the Election Dialogue House meeting
No matter how much we explain to the young people, they tell us you were deceived. I say the choice to participate in the revolution and accompany the Imam was a pure awareness along with understanding and perception, but today’s youth say at that time they told you things and you believed them; it was never intended for the people to be the decision-makers.
This is what today’s young generation says, criticizing us and saying you are to blame for going and causing these revolutionary events, and now we are left in the current situation.
Certainly, we have representatives for the young Basij and government supporters, but do we have such representatives for the general public? Does a young girl who has objections to many issues see an option among the candidates that she can vote for and hope for a change in the future?