Mohammad Reza Aref urged that all aspects of the tragic Tabas mine collapse be investigated and followed up as quickly as possible.
The First Vice President expressed condolences and sympathy once again to the nation and the families of the victims and injured in the Tabas mine incident. He emphasized the need to investigate all dimensions of this tragic event and prevent such incidents in the future. He ordered the Ministers of Industry, Mine and Trade, Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare, and supervisory bodies to compile and present final and clear reports on this incident to the Cabinet as quickly as possible, and at most within two weeks.
Aref further stated that the Ministers of Industry, Mine and Trade, and Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare should, after thorough and expert analysis, compile a report on the causes of this incident as quickly as possible, and within a maximum of two weeks. If there is negligence or carelessness, or if natural causes are identified, those responsible for this incident should be dealt with. If natural causes and gas leaks are determined to be the main cause of the mine collapse, not only the Tabas mine but any of the more than 220 active mines in the country that do not meet the necessary standards should be closed, because human lives are very precious and important.
The First Vice President stressed that all safety issues and workplace hazards in the country must be seriously monitored. He pointed out that unfortunately, these inspections and oversight are not taken seriously, and necessary actions are not taken against those at fault. Making mines safe, especially coal mines due to the presence of methane gas, is fundamentally important, and the environment of these mines must be made safe for the hardworking miners.