Momen Nasab, a supporter of filtering the dirty American internet, caused a decrease in election participation.
Momen Nasab, a supporter of Jalili and full-scale internet filtering, reposted his previous tweet about election participation and the impact of social media, writing that the desired result of the West, along with low participation, is the goal of those who want to capture minds through the dirty American internet, which unfortunately has been somewhat successful, meaning both reduced participation and the success of Iran’s Western bootlickers.
A while ago, before the election voting, he also wrote that aside from the mistakes and betrayals, under the flood of negative portrayals in the debates that pumped hopelessness, and simultaneously, the bombardment of social media until the last second of voting, which managed to deepen doubts and ignite the fire of divisions, participation of more than 40% and a second round of elections is a miracle. At least this week, social media should be managed.