Momeni, the economist, says if Pezeshkian doesn’t change his approach, he will face a fate similar to Raisi’s government.
Momeni, the economist, stated that the surge in food prices during Raisi’s government was unprecedented since World War II.
If Pezeshkian doesn’t change his approach, he will face a fate similar to Raisi’s government.
Suspicious collaborations with those benefiting from mineral rents are hinting at introducing a new shock to the exchange rate, disregarding the fact that removing the preferential exchange rate left Raisi’s government with no credibility. You witnessed that during that government, there was a surge in food prices unprecedented since the post-World War II era.
They called themselves the government of the deprived, but when their record shows that the most terrible blows were inflicted on food, medicine, health, and housing prices due to shock therapy, nothing remains of this claimed title but a ridiculous caricature.
I am very sorry that Mr. Pezeshkian, despite having honorably promised to avoid any form of shock therapy, has not yet taken a firm stand against these individuals and has given them ample opportunity.