The new resolution of the Supreme Council of Cyberspace grants licenses to foreign platforms through domestic shells.
Seyyed Mohammad Amin Agha-Miri, Secretary of the Supreme Council and Head of the National Center for Cyberspace, announced the resolutions of the ninety-sixth session of the Supreme Council of Cyberspace regarding the possibility of accessing foreign platforms with governance-acceptable mechanisms, the organization of social messaging apps, and the establishment of a national and comprehensive data system.
According to the resolution of the Supreme Council of Cyberspace, individuals, legal entities, and domestic and foreign private sectors can provide services to the public by offering governance-acceptable shells and obtaining legal licenses.
This action, previously experienced in the country with Hotgram and Telegram Talaei, creates new conditions under which foreign platforms and services that could not operate directly in Iran can now function in a new format while maintaining all their services and platform capabilities.
In the first resolution of the Supreme Council of Cyberspace, sector regulators are tasked with identifying popular foreign platforms and services that can provide services in the form of shells, aiming to diversify the consumption basket of users and meet people’s needs, and to facilitate their operation within the country.
This resolution has declared that sector regulators are obliged to identify popular foreign services and platforms within their regulatory domain within one month and examine the technical feasibility for users to access useful foreign services.
According to this resolution, the National Center for Cyberspace is also obliged to provide the necessary license for the private sector’s activities to the sector regulators after review.