
Latest Political News

Zahedan People Once Again Took to the Streets

The people of Zahedan took to the streets once again.In the twenty-first…


Mawlavi Abdulhamid Calls for Investigation into the Death of Ebrahim Rigi

Mawlawi Abdul Hamid called for an investigation into the death of Ebrahim…


Warning by Mawlawi Abdul Ghafar Naqshbandi Regarding the Siege of Makki Mosque

Molavi Abdolghafar Naqshbandi's Warning Regarding the Siege of Makki MosqueMolavi Abdolghafar Naqshbandi,…


Taliban Attorney General Visits Iran to Review Prisoners’ Situation

The Attorney General of the Taliban went to Iran to investigate the…


Severe Internet Disruption in Zahedan

Severe Internet Disruption in ZahedanNetBlocks confirmed that network data shows a significant…


Ebrahim Rigi died in Zahedan Police Station 12

Ebrahim Rigi died in Zahedan Police Station 12The media group Hal Vash…


Iranian Student Pays Tribute to Qasem Soleimani, Stockholm University Holds Extraordinary Meeting

Iranian student pays tribute to Qasem Soleimani, Stockholm University holds an extraordinary…


Cooperation Between German and Iranian Parliamentary Groups Suspended

The cooperation between the German and Iranian parliamentary group is suspendedAmid the…


Inspection Teams to Enforce Mandatory Hijab in Mazandaran

Inspection teams to enforce mandatory hijab in MazandaranA security official from Mazandaran…


Ukraine is Defending on All Fronts

Ukraine is defending on all frontsThe Ukrainian army announced on Thursday, February…
