Dollar Will Reach 50,000 Tomans This Year
The dollar will reach 50,000 tomans this yearThe dollar will reach 50,000…
UAE Permanent Representative: Banning Women from Working in Afghanistan Violates UN Security Council Resolution
The UAE's permanent representative says banning women from work in Afghanistan violates…
Israeli Security Agency: Russia Paid Cash for Iranian Drones
Israeli security agency: Russia paid cash for Iranian dronesThe Israeli Military Intelligence…
The Fortieth Day Ceremony of Ailar Haghi Held with Heavy Security Presence
The fortieth-day ceremony for Aylare Haqi was held with a heavy presence…
Assembly of Experts Member Suggests Harsher Punishment Than ‘Moharebeh’ for Protesters
Assembly of Experts member suggests using harsher punishment than 'moharebeh' for protestersOn…
Fatemeh Harbi Accused of Acting Against National Security
Fatemeh Harbi has been accused of acting against national security.Fatemeh Harbi, a…
Continued Detention of Hamid Sharifi, Student at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Continued Detention of Hamid Sharifi, Student of Ferdowsi University of MashhadHamid Sharifi,…
Jebelli: Broadcasting Organization Faces Enemy Seditions
Jabali: The national broadcaster is facing the enemy's seditionsJabali stated that considering…
Sunni Imam of Zahedan: What Answer Do the Commanders and Perpetrators of These Crimes Have Before God?
The Sunni Friday prayer leader of Zahedan: What answer do the instigators…
Mahan Air’s Public Relations: Ali Daei’s Family’s Plane Was Not Turned Back
The public relations of Mahan Airlines stated that Ali Daei's family's plane…