Reza Taghavi, Advisor to the President on Clergy Affairs: The Impact of the Silence of the Elite is No Less than that of the Rioters
Reza Taghavi, the President's advisor on religious affairs, says the silence of…
Summoning of Sharif University Professor to the Ministry of Intelligence
Summoning of Sharif University Professor to the Ministry of IntelligenceAli Sharifi Zarchi,…
Stun Gun and Baton Used for Majidreza Rahnavard’s Left Hand Tattoo of Lion and Sun
Majid Reza Rahnavard's left hand tattoo was of a lion and sun.A…
Amir Mahdipur, Attorney, Sentenced to One Year in Prison
Amir Mahdipour, a defense attorney, was sentenced to one year in prison.The…
Significant Growth in the Number of Telegram Proxy Channels and Their Views
Significant growth in the number of Telegram proxy channels and their viewsAccording…
Nasr Abadi Took a 10-Day Leave
Nasrabadi took a 10-day leaveHamid Jafari Nasrabadi, a teacher, writer, and football…
Abdolreza Kahani: With Greetings in the Name of Mahsa Amini, We Continue Our Path
Abdolreza Kahani: With greetings to the name of Mahsa Amini, we continue…
Amnesty International Calls for the Halt of Mohammad Ghobadlou’s Execution Sentence
Amnesty International calls for the halt of Mohammad Ghobadlou's executionAmnesty International, in…
Western Officials: Russia to Deliver Dozens of Su-35 Fighter Jets to Iran
Western officials: Russia is giving dozens of Su-35 fighter jets to IranAccording…
Ansieh Khazali, Deputy for Women Affairs, has plans to promote the value of women considering recent seditions
Ensieh Khazali, the Vice President for Women's Affairs, has plans to illustrate…