Isfahan Representative: An Athlete Who Disrespects 85 Million Iranians Is Not a Representative of Iran
The representative of Isfahan says an athlete who does not respect 85…
Abbas Abdi: The Cause of Recent Incidents is Lack of Wisdom in Official Policy
Abbas Abdi: The cause of the recent events is the lack of…
Representative of the Supreme Leader in the IRGC: Figures who removed their hijab are cancerous tumors
The representative of the Supreme Leader in the IRGC said that those…
Security forces performed an unparalleled act of compassion, care, and leniency
The security forces displayed unparalleled compassion, empathy, and leniency.Ayatollah Seyyed Hassan Ameli…
Putin: The Internet is Full of Lies
Putin: The virtual space is full of liesVladimir Putin, in a meeting…
Tehran’s Friday Prayer Leader: If There Were No Riots, the Government Would Solve Economic Problems
The former Friday prayer leader of Tehran said if there were no…
The War of Narratives as an Excuse to Escape the Reality of Protests
The War of Narratives as an Excuse to Escape the Reality of…
Voria Ghafouri was arrested
Voria Ghafouri was arrestedThe state news agency Borna reported that Voria Ghafouri,…
Mostafa Rostami, Head of the Leader’s Representation in Universities: Recent Events are a Show of Thugs on the Streets; Handling it is No Problem for Us
Mostafa Rostami, the head of the Supreme Leader's representative office in universities,…
Continuation of the Strikes by Shopkeepers in Sanandaj on Thursday
Continuation of the strikes by Sanandaj merchants on ThursdayStrikes continue in the…