The Head of the Passive Defense Organization: Women in our country are in a better situation compared to before the revolution
The head of the Passive Defense Organization says women in our country…
Judiciary Spokesperson Appreciates Transparent Reporting by IRIB
The spokesperson for the Judiciary thanked the national broadcaster for transparent information…
Ebrahim Raisi: The Role of Media is to Prevent the Promotion of Violence
Ebrahim Raisi stated that the role of media is to prevent the…
Ekbatan Town Evening of October 24, 2022
Ekbatan Town, evening of October 24, 2022
Strange Statements by Sabzevar Representative: There’s Nothing More Reliable Than Rubika
Strange Statements by Sabzevar's Representative: Nothing is More Reliable than RubikaBehrouz Mohbi…
A Lawyer States That Sharif University’s Decision to Ban Some Students from Entering the University is Illegal
A lawyer states that the decision by Sharif University to ban some…
The First Prime Minister from the Subcontinent in Britain
The first Prime Minister from the subcontinent in BritainRishi Sunak is the…
Elections Have Begun in the Occupied Territories
Elections in the occupied territories have begun.With the commencement of voting by…
Israel and Russia Undermined Iran’s Assets in Syria
Israel and Russia have thwarted Iran's assets in SyriaAmidst the electoral battles…
Karimi Ghodousi: Possible Involvement of Mehdi Hashemi in Evin Fire Under Investigation
Karimi Ghodoosi: The possibility of Mehdi Hashemi's involvement in the Evin fire…