
Latest Political News

Jalal Mahmoudzadeh, the representative of Mahabad, says after one year of the thirteenth government, we have also lost 10 million jobs

Jalal Mahmoudzadeh, the representative of Mahabad, said that after one year of…


Dispute Over Street Share in Nationwide Protests in Iran

Dispute over Street Share in Iran's Nationwide ProtestsThe dispute over street share…


Pezhman Jamshidi: I swear on my honor, as long as I breathe, I will stand with my people

Pezhman Jamshidi: I swear on my honor, as long as I breathe,…


Urgent Message from Mohammadreza Jalaeipour from Evin Prison

Urgent Message from Mohammadreza Jalaeipour from Evin PrisonToday, political activist Mohammadreza Jalaeipour…


Ali Motahari: It’s unclear who has decided to involve Iran in the Russia-Ukraine war

Ali Motahari: It is unclear who has decided to involve Iran in…


Ayatollah Khamenei Used to Say It’s Photoshop, Now They Say Iranian Drones Are Very Dangerous

Ayatollah Khamenei used to say it was Photoshop, now they say Iranian…


Text of Tajzadeh’s Letter to Ayatollah Khamenei

Text of Tajzadeh's letter to Ayatollah KhameneiFakhri Mohtashami, the wife of Mostafa…


Isa Zarepour, the Minister of Communications, efforts are being made to criminalize the use of VPNs

Issa Zarepour, Minister of Communications, efforts are being made to criminalize the…


35 Trillion Toman Loss Due to Internet Disruption in Just One Month

A 35 trillion toman loss due to internet disruption in just one…
