Ayatollah Khamenei Used to Say It’s Photoshop, Now They Say Iranian Drones Are Very Dangerous
Ayatollah Khamenei used to say it was Photoshop, now they say Iranian…
Text of Tajzadeh’s Letter to Ayatollah Khamenei
Text of Tajzadeh's letter to Ayatollah KhameneiFakhri Mohtashami, the wife of Mostafa…
Isa Zarepour, the Minister of Communications, efforts are being made to criminalize the use of VPNs
Issa Zarepour, Minister of Communications, efforts are being made to criminalize the…
35 Trillion Toman Loss Due to Internet Disruption in Just One Month
A 35 trillion toman loss due to internet disruption in just one…
Seyed Kazem Mousavi, Ardabil’s Representative: I Never Intend to Disrespect Ali Daei
Seyed Kazem Mousavi, the representative of Ardabil, I am never seeking to…
Fereydoun Amoozadeh Khalili, Children’s Author, Damn Me for Being a Children’s Writer
Fereydoun Amoozadeh Khalili, a children's writer, curses himself for being a children's…
Prince Harry’s Wife Wears Women’s Life Freedom Outfit
Prince Harry's wife in 'Woman, Life, Freedom' outfitMeghan Markle, the wife of…
Towards a Historic Agreement Between Lebanon and Israel
Towards the Historical Agreement between Lebanon and IsraelA prominent figure from the…
Two Iranian-born Women Enter Swedish Government
Two Iranian-born women have joined the Swedish governmentRomina Pourmokhtari, 26, has been…
Solet Mortazavi Became Minister of Labor
Sowlat Mortazavi became the Minister of LaborAccording to ISNA, today, Wednesday, an…