
Latest Political News

Qasem Rezaei, Deputy Commander of the National Police, has not retreated at all regarding moral security

Qasem Rezai, Deputy Commander of the National Police Force, stated that we…


Hossein Bastani, Political Analyst: Analyzing Today’s Basijis Based on Wartime Mentality is Misleading

Hossein Bastani, a political analyst, says that analyzing today's Basij based on…


Return of Elnaz Rekabi to Tehran

Return of Elnaz Rekabi to TehranThe Iranian Embassy in South Korea stated…


LinkedIn Unblocked

LinkedIn was unblockedThe social network LinkedIn, which had been blocked in recent…


Ahmad Vahidi, the Minister of Interior of the Islamic Republic, says it is the most open country in the field of criticism

Ahmad Vahidi, the Minister of Interior of the Islamic Republic, is from…


Javad Imam, Secretary General of the Assembly of Devotees: The Government Should Hear the Voice of Protest

Javad Emam, Secretary General of the Association of Devotees, the government should…


Sardar Talaei, Former Tehran Police Chief: My Visa in Canada Has Expired

Sardar Talaei, former Tehran police chief, my visa in Canada has expiredSardar…


Gholamali Jafarzadeh Emenabadi, former Member of Parliament: In the end, we never understood if we should talk or get beaten

Gholamali Jafarzadeh Imenabadi, a former member of parliament, said, 'In the end,…


Technical Deputy of IRIB Changed

The Deputy of Technical Affairs at the Broadcasting Organization was changedAlireza Sharifi…
