Qasem Makarem Shirazi Arrested – Rostam Ghasemi’s Black Box

قاسم مکارم شیرازی، از نزدیکان رستم قاسمی وزیر راه و شهرسازی دولت رئیسی که معروف به جعبه سیاه وزیر بود، بازداشت شد.

Saeed Aganji
1 Min Read
Qasem Makarem Shirazi Arrested - Rostam Ghasemi's Black Box

Qasem Makarem Shirazi was arrested, the black box of Rostam Ghasemi

Qasem Makarem Shirazi, an associate of Rostam Ghasemi, the Minister of Roads and Urban Development in Raisi’s government, who was known as the minister’s black box, was arrested.

Speculations suggest that he was arrested by the IRGC Intelligence Organization. The extensive corruption during this period in the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, which was supported by a specific security circle, has been affected by the changes in security officials that have occurred in recent months, leading to the loss of the ironclad immunity of several individuals. The recent arrests in the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development are likely a prelude to major changes in this ministry.

Iran Gate was the main source of publishing this news on the internet. Unfortunately, other news agencies, contrary to journalistic laws, not only did not mention the source of the publication but also claimed themselves as the publishers. As a result, following this news, all news is published under the ownership and control of DMCA, and the content is taken down.

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Saeed Aganji is a journalist and researcher specializing in Iranian affairs. He has served as the editor-in-chief of the student journal "Saba" and was a member of the editorial board of the newspaper "Tahlil Rooz" in Shiraz, which had its license revoked in 2009.