Raisi’s Government and Controlling Inflation with Security Tools
Raisi’s Government and Controlling Inflation with Security Tools. According to Iran Gate, some managers of Ebrahim Raisi’s government have recently made statements about controlling inflation over 40% through intensifying the security atmosphere in the markets. Economists believe that such an approach could make the situation much worse than what we are witnessing today, and people’s livelihoods will shrink as a result.
Last week, a senior government official compared inflation to a wild horse and claimed that the government could control this horse using security tools. He claims that Western countries have not succeeded in controlling inflation through market mechanisms, but rather the authorities intervened and stopped what are described as undesirable and destructive elements with an iron fist.
Similar statements have been heard multiple times from the platforms of Ebrahim Raisi’s government. Even officials like Mohammadreza Farzin, who is among the few specialized officials in the thirteenth government, have repeatedly spoken about the necessity of suppressing the exchange rate. These statements indicate the presence of a dangerous and anti-scientific approach in Raisi’s government that could lead Iran’s economy towards becoming more closed and further destruction.
The Myth of the Free Market
Based on the statements made by officials of the Islamic Republic’s government, it can be said that Ebrahim Raisi’s government has the slightest belief in a free economy. It should be noted that all developed countries in the world, without exception, have succeeded in moving towards development by relying on the principles of a free market or liberal economy. However, the government’s approach is different and indicates a motivation among senior government officials to reinvent the wheel.
Many government officials speak of the market mechanism as a myth. Among these officials, traces of Muslim communists can also be seen, who have infiltrated various levels of the thirteenth government. This influence has managed to neutralize and render impotent the few correct and principled policies of the government, worsening the situation for ordinary citizens of the country.
Economist or Muslim Communist
After the rise of Ebrahim Raisi’s government, we have witnessed the emergence of a group of media activists under the title of economists. These individuals, who were previously known as social media activists and at best as economic experts, now have a significant presence in media supporting Raisi’s government with the title of economists.
These individuals, who are mostly categorized as Muslim communists, generally consider the free market mechanism a myth. However, the media supporting the government overnight and without academic backing attribute the title of economist to Muslim communists active on social media.
Controlling Inflation with Coercive Tools
The main characteristic of these individuals is the denial of the market mechanism and the defense of comprehensive government intervention in the economy. Muslim communists believe that Western countries, which present the display of a free economy to the world, also intervene widely in the markets. According to this group, Ebrahim Raisi’s government should also use coercive security tools to dominate and control the markets, thereby making it possible to control inflation.
Examples of this approach include the policy of suppressing the exchange rate at various times during Ebrahim Raisi’s presidency. The crackdowns in the currency and gold markets in the fall of 2021 and 2022 are examples of this policy’s implementation among government officials. This approach is even prevalent at the highest managerial levels of the government, to the extent that the head of the Central Bank has repeatedly emphasized the need to deal with media outlets that reflect the free market rates.
A Major Danger
According to management science experts, Ebrahim Raisi’s government has become unprecedentedly devoid of technocrats and elite forces. Statistics also indicate a widespread purge in the body of middle managers in the government, to the extent that some reports suggest more than a 50% change in middle managers in the country’s economic ministries. For example, according to Hojatollah Abdolmaleki, during the nine-month period he held the position of Minister of Labor, more than 800 middle managers in this ministry and its subsidiary companies were changed.
He reported the installation of revolutionary and committed forces to the dominant discourse instead of the previous technocratic and liberal managers. It has now become clear that such an approach is not only prevalent in the Ministry of Labor but also in ministries such as Economy, Roads and Urban Development, Oil, Industry, Mining and Trade, Agriculture, and even the Central Bank.
This news can be seen as a very dangerous sign of a sudden and deadly decline in the country’s managerial level. A decline that means the managerial body is devoid of specialized and skilled forces and could lead the economy towards a deep abyss. An abyss where not only will controlling inflation have no meaning or concept, but even maintaining the governing structure under the title of the Islamic Republic will be impossible.
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